Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Meeting of Love and Intellect

A person is either compelled to obey a master because of intense love toward the master or because that person understands the wisdom behind the master’s commands on an intellectual level. The same holds true for the relationship between a servant and Allah. One’s obedience to the Creator is either rooted in deep love or in intellectual understanding of the shariah, and the difference between the two is that of night and day.
The intellect is handicapped in the spiritual path of tasawwuf because the destination is only reachable on the wings of love. Intellect is cunning and therefore can appear in a thousand disguises whereas love is pure and simple and therefore does not deceive. The person who attains the blessed gift of love for Allah is indeed fortunate.

Do Remember this Faqir in your prayer.


  1. brother dont u think both are neccessary in the path of Allah. ilm is an itegral part of ahl e tasawwuf also. and there have been mystics like Abn e Arabi whose writings are based upon ilm, while, however there is an entire line of mystics like Ahmed Ghazali, Sanai, Rumi and Hafiz who have laid huge amphasis on the Divine Love. In addition there are others like Fakhruddin Iraqi who try and bridge the gap in between. However, there are no two types of mystics the only difference is in their approach towards tazkiyya and there amphasis on either love or ilm since niether Rumi was deprived of ilm nor was Ibn e Arabi unaware of Divine Love.

  2. Asalamoalikum usman, actually i was talking about intellect which is aqal in urdu, and ofcourse ilm is necessary as its beacon of light for the travellers of light and love. however excess of knowledge only bound you to learn more then to practice more and in the field of tasawwuf you need to practice your knowledge more. Ilm of tasawwuf is entirly different.Aqal usually make you involves in varies doubts rather then love will let you know how to reach you destination. I think you need to read th biographies of Rumi and Ghazali .. because when they came in tasawwuf they used to practice more then to learn. As Hazart Usman(R.A) used to say dont you like that you have an acting Imam rather then have speaking Imam.

    hope i answer the question.

    Jazak Allah
