Jalaluddin Rumi once said:
"Love is a flame that burns away all that is not Allah."
Love is a Beautiful and Divine Gift that Allah has blessed us all with.
Love is what keeps the Universe in motion, it keeps the world turning, and it's what circulates in our blood. The essence of our Creation is Love.
In the sense of Romantic relationships, Allah tells us to Love one another for His sake. We Love a human being because he/she is also another Creation of Allah, and the fact that they're in our lives means that they're a blessing from Allah. Your family, your friends, your loved ones, they are all gifts to you from the Divine. The Special One ... the twin half or soul mate ... is a special blessing. The key to a successful marriage or union of souls is to understand the truth of "Love is a flame that burns away all that is not Allah."
Allah is the UNITER, the MATCHMAKER, the PILLAR OF STRENGTH and UNITY in the relationship. Whenever there is a problem between the couples, it should be understood that it is normal, but it should also be meditated that Allah is the solution to all problems. Love is friendship on fire, as many people say. Friends are granted to you from Allah, and so in turn, there will only be Beauty and Success for those who are mindful of Allah and his blessed gift of love.
If one loves someone because it gives pleasure, one should not be regarded as loving that person at all. The love is, in reality, though this is not perceived, directed towards the pleasure. The source of the pleasure is the secondary object of attention, and it is perceived only because the perception of the pleasure is not well enough developed for the real feeling to be identified and described.
(Imam al-Ghazali )
Many mistakes may occur in love. The first of them is that people imagine that the object of love is an existent thing...In fact, love's object remains forever nonexistent, but most lovers are not aware of this, unless they should be knowers of the realities.
(Shaykh Muhyiddin Ibn 'Arabi)
True love seeks sacrifice and I’ve given it all.
This, this is true love in it’s purest form.
I turn my face towards You now.
The Lord of my world and the Heavens above.
I am Yours and Yours, alone.
My prayer, my sacrifice are only for You.
My life and death are Yours to take.
A promise I make.
To lay my life for You.
An oath that I worship.
No-one but You.
(Inspired by dua of The Holy Prophet (pbuh) to be read at Qurbani time)
Thank you for sharing it. All is beautiful, I love it. Ya Haqq, maryam