Thursday, September 4, 2008

..... by Atif

After so many years of being blind, and walking in the dark, one day, Allah the Most Gracious Most Merciful shone the torch in my eyes, and I woke up from the trance, from the illness, from the blindness I was trapped in for so long. So I said the simple and so logical words. The clearest and most perfect words that have ever reached human ears. “La ilaha il Allah, Muhammed Rasoull Allah”. This sentence was the defining moment in my life which made me become a Muslim, and to this day, I have never looked back. Allah is One and Whole and Perfect and Muhammad was His last Prophet The Qur'an for me is like a manual, just like a car needs a manual to function properly, the Holy Quran is the guidebook to life, and something which covers all areas and which we cannot live without.

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